Thursday, December 17, 2015

Final Part 1 of 2 
Class/Self Evaluation

A1. Some things i liked about this class is that i was able to learn new tools in Microsoft word there was some that i knew having them learnt in my previous years by my teachers, i had also liked having to create a website that we customize ourselves for example we all have a unique site to look for our page along with having a little touch of our personality along with it and having free time to either decorate it with all kinds of different gadgets to use and i enjoy it, also i really like that we give out our opinions with each time we post because its from your own perspective.

A2. What i didn't like was the fact that we have to be chosen to speak about our opinions on some occasions why? well there is some stuff some people cant explain by talk but by reading and you feel more comfortable that way to only having your teacher to see it or some of your close friends also not many will understand if you say it out loud what if they didnt hear? and they start asking read louder and your getting really nervous now and pretty discouraged for its what they said breathe and hurry you have 30 seconds of courage and thats all you need just 30 seconds, another thing i didnt like was that we dont have much free time im not saying we need it all the time but there are some assignments needed to be finish and the time would be good for that 

B. Well i dont really need any improvements but i would really much like it if there wasnt many people side talking well im not ease dropping but it gets annoying and in the way of work just hearing others talk while your trying to think on what to say yourself cause then the idea just goes away and it will take some time to think about it again or just make up a new one similar to the one you had also thats all. 

B2. Did you really do your best in this class? 

Well yes i do believe i did good in this class i dont know if my teacher sees any of my responses or post i dont mind but i really do give it my all to completing them and to keep organized in what to say and when to post along with grammar i guess thats all i need to im[priove in for it is a tad bit difficult to time at a certain rate and to a certain time when your going to be able to finish. but other than that what ever grade i get i can be able to reflect back to what im doing wrong or good and in the end ill do my complete best at what i have to do. 

B3. Are you committed to being a CTR person? why or why not? 

Yes i am committed to being a CTR for ever since i saw all this inspiring quote i sometimes take time at home and reread some of them and i find them motivational for i sometimes think "wow he must be really happy in the moment" and at times i think once more into the future what will i do and its interesting in fact i write again but this time not about the quote but about what i will do in the future and the options given to me as to how i will be able to live it if i follow these steps given as a quote to success along to be able to have a huge weght lifted from your back if you do what think that is right and to be able to move foward with a smile of no regret given from the past there were some dark moments but i was told that in every dark tunnel there will be a light all you have to do it get yourself up and walk foward with no fear at all and find your happiness on your own whether its a something or even a someone but in the end smile to show your compelted a fullfulled life. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

IDP Showcase 

my IDP experiance was pretty terrifying well i guess for me, i had felt pretty anxious for i had my palm become sweating and i thought i was going to sweat bullets next we had some technical difficulties with was embarrassing i was panicing, i had to present in a small room it had of course tables and chairs but it had my biology teacher there along with a chem teacher who i seen around but dont know who she is there were also seniors who had already done this, my disease assigned was cirrhosis i had a part but had it taken away by some of my group members which had me pretty bummed out cause i needed to say a part that wasnt mine and it was short i was disappointing a bit inside to have my mother see me in that state of just slide i felt in shame for ever not speaking up but in the end i was never given any credit for my hard work for example the power point spending those night up just to perfect and finish it along with my creative componet piece i guess i was happy about that for i had put my all into that along with a song of my choice that made my mom smiled knowing it was me who made it, cause at least someone noticed what i had done, but this whole project had me really sad no one worked or cooperated with me to at least finishing it but i guess it was my fault to for ever having trust in them to get anything done, so now i know who i should have given some work to and i guess ill learn from this a bit more yet in the end i was happy having my mom tell me i did a great job and having her so happy and proud of me and i can live with that yet what was a bit rough was that i was wearing a ridiculous dress i wanted to wear those what you call 'men clothing' cause it was more comfortable instead of every minute pulling down on the stupid dress it was horrible i couldn't bear the embarrassment any long and i had felt just to walk out but i couldnt do anything sadly  

"Always do the right"

- Mark Twain 

what i think this quote means in my opinion is that you should always do the right this is because if you do people will be able to trust you more because you seem to be someone who is trustworthy but then again you dont always yourself do the right for example if its about your personal life and you did something you dont want your mother to know im not talking about breaking a vase she will eventually know im talking about something that occured one day that you cant tell your mom until your ready but my opinion i think its just sad why? well your mother comes first than anything for she gave you a life along with her ways on how to see the world good or bad it has a mixture of both either way there is no to good or to bad, its both for you at least need someone to hear you its impossible to have those secrets build up inside you, and yeah i understan how parents are for example your thinking "oh no shes going to kill me!" or "shes going to do something!" but either way the scenario there at least has to be some understanding in the end along with your mother being happy for you trust her with anything 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"If we do whats right,
we have no need 
to fear"

- Evan Stephens 

what this quote means or what is trying to say is that if you know your doing something that isn't against the law or the rules you have no need to worry about anything at all well because you didn't do anything wrong and no one can falsely accuse you for nothing unless they have evidence but if they did then you did something you may not remember at the heat of the moment well because again you just barely thought of it, for example your given a responsibility to go make a delivery at the office of your school then a staff calls your name from afar well first you would be surprise and then at that time that's where you start thinking did i do anything wrong today? after a second you find out no there was nothing i did bad so you just turn around looking at the staff with a pretty calm face why? cause you didn't do anything wrong so your pretty much off the hook there, and at times slip ups can occur some by accident others on purpose but its okay cause there are more than one day to fill up and recover the wrong doing along with having your name cleared up and keeping a good background 

Monday, December 7, 2015

The 3 Questions 

1. Can people trust me to do whats right?
2. Am i committed to doing my very best?
3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?

"if the answer to these questions are YES,
 there is no way you can fail"

- Lou Holtz 

what i think this quote means or what its trying to have you understand is that there are three questions that can determine if your doing the right thing and it is of course those questions up there they include to see if people can trust you with either a simple task or a secret maybe even an object to take care of but if any of those are bad for example if your hiding that you had vandalized something yet your friends find out that is mostly their choice to turn you in or have it shrugged off which of course is bad the next question are you commited to doing your very best for example its simple if your really commited to show others wrong then that would be commitment which is a good trate and last do you treat others the way you would want to be treated another set of example if your treating someone with kindness you are sure to get it back one way or another but if you were a tad mean then you would already know what to expect and it wont be sugar coated at all 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,
 is is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
 the relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. 
much is not yet understood but we do know what the Greek's knew:
 that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity
 when the body is healthy and strong" 

- John F. Kennedy

in my opinion and being completely honest here i really don't understand what this means i really don't I'm a bit confused but am going to try, so what i think this means is that physical fitness is important to be able to develop the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity now what that means is to be able to squeeze more like wanting to remember or learn something new not only does physical fitness help you but there is another thing to help with memory its called blueberries it said that they also help to advance memory not like telekinesis or some stuff no that's terrifying its just to help with your memory issues well it doesnt cure if you have had a bad injury with your brain or anything sadly it doesnt but if you just want a boost on your memory then yeah i was meaning that


Tokyo, Japan 

i choose this specific place well because i always wanted to go here, i wanted to be able to see the amazing temples along with the enormous buildings and especially the food there it looks so good to wanting to try it at least instead of the basics like sushi and ramen here what i know about the place is that its famous and well known for mount fuji this huge volcano thats about 100 kilometers southwest to this day its still active having its nickname fuji-san, tokyo is also known to have many temples for example there is a temple called the kyoto temple along with other destinations such as minato, shinjuku, chuo, shibuya, chiyoda etc. it is also known to have such a beautiful scenery at night for example the nikko national park is said to have an amzing view of mount. fuji along with other flowers and wood carving seen around but at night there is to be found lights lighting up bridges and trees to have an spectacular glow but thats just what you can visit the real well known fact of tokyo is its pop culture thier pop culture inclues anime, manga, visual kei, maid cafes alonjg with ghibli museums and shops at famous otaku meccas. japanes pop culture has a worldwide fan base, drawn by animators, fashion and music along with shops that include street fashion and cosplay mix. anime and manga enthusiasts will be more likely to know akihabara, home to a huge range of electronics and anime related shops 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"Kindness is 
the essence of 

- Joseph B. Wirthlin 

 there is someone out there that still have a bit of humanity, if you become to nice and spare everyone you see you will most likely be forgiven instead of carrying a huge burden on your back actually ill leave this in a positive note forget what i said what i was trying to say but forgotten to is that be nice to everyone you meet yeah they may be strangers of some kind but it gets pretty lonely being all by yourself its sad to bear and maybe you can even find a really good friend  it doesnt have to be a someone it can even be a something sounds pretty funny but who knows it what makes you happy and thats what everyone wants a little speck of kindness to be happy 

Friday, November 20, 2015

" Hold Yourself Responsible For A Higher Standard 
Than Anybody Else Expects Of You.
 Never Excuse Yourself"

 - Henry Ward Beecher

what i think this quote means and in my own opinion is that you have to be able to be prepared to fail your not always going to win at some point we are all going to fail whether we like it or not its what we do to prevent failure its your our choice to decide in the future if you tried all you can something good will happen if you didn't try at all and you know what your mistake was its alright there is still all the time in the world to make up for you mistakes that what it means for holding yourself responsible for a higher standard as i was told shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still land on the stars and everyone is going to see how much you shine dont be what others expect you to be surprise them in a way where they wont forget you never say sorry of being who you are it isn't always going to be falling all your life its your choice to go out there and find someone if not find something to catch you your not lading on the ground yet there is still a long way to go  dont finish a race you havent even begun yet there is still more curves and road to explore some are good others are bad yet we need it to prepare for the finish line to finally lived a fullfilled life 
12 Things I'm thankful for 

1. I'm thankful for having my family 
2. I'm thankful for having all the things i necessarily need
3. im thankful to have a home to go to
4. im thankful for my health
5. im thankful for having people who care about me
6. im thankful for a mom i come home and hug
7. im thankful for a little sister who can hear me
8. im thankful a sister who understands me
9. im thankful for a father who may not always be there
yet to confort me that everything is okay
10. im thankful for my puns
 yet to confort me that everything is okay
11. im thankful for food to eat
when there are others who need it more than i do
12. and im thankful to be given a life
i would never give up for anything 

The History Of Thanksgiving

It was to said the first thanksgiving happened in England this was because the pilgrims were basically feat up with their kings decisions on not letting them spread their religion as they pleased so they decided to travel to another location they traveled on a ship named the mayflower once they arrived to plymouth it was snowing making it difficult to live by there until native Americans stumbled upon them. The native Americans taught them how to live under harsh conditions for example surviving through the winter and fall how to hunt along with growing their own crops this was actually a three day tradition so they decided to make a feast for them saying thanks for all the hospitality given yet it didn't become a tradition until 200 years later they didn't even have turkey or pumpkin pie not even potatoes yet they did have corn and cranberries yet not in a sauce it was plain, it wasn't until 1789 when George Washington announced the first ever thanksgiving tradition on Thursday November 26th even so it hasnt became a tradition nation wide until around the 19th century that was when an american writer named sara josepha hale who made the most famous nursery rhyme "marry had a little lamb" was inspired by a diary of a pilgrim life wanting to recreate the whole big feast thing in the beggining of 1827 hale wagged a 30 year debate on having thanksgiving a national holiday she had also published recipies for turkey, pumpkin pie , and even cranberry sauce 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

" If it is not right 
do not do it,

If it is not true
do not say it" 

- Marcus Aurelius 

what i think this quote means in again and as always my own opinion is that if it isn't right nor does it feel right don't do it don't commit the action that later on your going to regret ever doing because when the action is done you cant go back and time to fix or erase it that's just impossible and sadly your just going to live with that guilt along with if it isn't true don't make it a even bigger problem it harms not only you but the person its about, for example a rumor now we all know what a rumor means and if you don't your living under a rock anyways hearing a rumor without solid proof is complete bogus and pretty fudged up if you ever made one its pretty cruel and that just makes you seem like someone no one wants to be near not even in the same room cause you mean asf maybe even not wanting to breathe the same air as you, okay I'm overreacting a bit to put it in a simple way your mean done your just mean and that getting old but seriously be the mature adult your growing to be and think legit don't be dumb and go on spreading stuff around just cause you don't like them so yeah that my opinion on this 

Monday, November 16, 2015

"Doing what is right, Fair
and honorable is more important 
than winning or losing" 
-Chick Moorman 

what i think this quote means in my own original opinion is that just plainly being right and or fair along with being honorable is way more important than losing yet tbh we all have our inner demons so thats optinal you dont need to do it just because others say thats bad dont you think we have all done it once in a while? anyways what im trying to say is that you dont have to listen to others what you should do is listen to yourself if you know its bad and you feel its bad then what would you do? think about the future of that action before you commit it in the present having it stuck in the past and thats forever but thats not my problem im just giving out my own opinion even not like anyone reads it for all i care but just do something in life with no regrets dont even look back to correct it what was done is done and thats the end of that story 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

1. Have the courage to say no 
2. Have the courage to face the truth
3. Do the right thing because it is right 

these are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity 

- W. Clement Stone 

what i think this quote means or what its trying to have you understand is that there are three steps you should take to not only living a good truthful life but along with a healthy life as well cause the examples given was that if there would be a time if someone tried offering you a smoke or a drink ansd your not of a proper age then you have to build up the courage to say no now the person who offered you was a so called friend they would accept your choice and move on with thier life and if they just start fussing over it just go really they are not worth your time and if you dont want to be seen as a loser and do it you already are a loser and along with just being a complete idiot id just rather be a loner than die at the spot already from all that booze and drugs being consumed and with that good luck and take my advice and you dont need to not like it matters just my opinion you know 
Manga Artist

Duties and responsibilities:  must work very long hours and with almost little sleep and have your work submitted in time. Have creative ideas which sell and have them fast. Be able to work with assistants in an efficient and efficient manner. Provide own studio and supplies be able to work with editors in an efficient order along with manner be able to draw reasonably well and keep your style  sort of consistent so readers can identify it. Don’t get stressed by the publishing company yelling at you for hours of the day. Don’t die before your series is finished and you do get rewarded with one free hour once a week if you get all your work done in time! Have fun and look happy when interacting with fans as well
Salary: $92,000
Education: bachelor’s degree  

Reflection: would you like to be one? Why or why not?
Of course I would like to be one!!! well I have many other things to be but if all fails I would want to do something I would enjoy very much I just absolutely love drawing that all I ever do when I have free time to myself just drawing something for the entire world would make me oh so happy to see smiles

Monday, November 9, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but
a companion of fools 
shall be destroyed"

proverb 13:20 

what this quote means or what its trying to say is that well first of course this will be in my own words once more like any other post here anyways what in think it means is that those who walk with wise men shall be wise basically means those who choose correctly and or wisely is those who will do something or be someone in life will be sucessful but a companion of fools shall be destroyed is basically stating if you become ever so wicked on whatever your trying to acomplish for example doing the basic bad stuff like smoking drinking or even texting and driving we will pray for you..not really but you understand the jist just dont hang around people who do that cause in the end its just plainly going to be your fault 
Veterans Day
What is Veterans Day?
·       Veterans Day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War 1 (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.
What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
·       The purpose to veterans day is to commemorate the loss and living to fighting in the war and showing their loyalty to their duties to their country
Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
·       It’s important to show honor on veterans day because it a time where we look upon on them and show our honor for their sacrifice on making this world a better peaceful environment
When is it?
·       Veterans day is on every November 11th
What are a few ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day?
·       A few ways you can show respect on veterans day is to visit them well specifically speaking visiting their graves or yeah visiting them saying thank you

What I think about this holiday is that I can be very heartwarming but at the same time it can be pretty sad for some others who lost relatives or even friends in the war and it can be very hard to face yet then again you can leave the past and just remember the memories bad or good that you or others had if you lost anyone to this also you don’t need to know them to honor them they showed their loyalty to this country and we should give something back for it and that is to remember them 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

" The best recreation is to do good"

- William Penn 

what i think this quote means or what its trying to have you see is that 
well before i even go into detail recreation means to do an outdoor activity or something to calm you down on your temper and attitude
 now back into the detail parts when the quote says the best recreation is to do good its pretty simple onto what it means if you do anysort of good deed to anyone or anything for example help your own family out if its to clean your room or the entire house just seeing them happy is all you need to see to feel deeply good inside cause then you find out your the one who had put that smile onto their faces and then maybe or maybe not your given a reward even if you dont at least you made them smile or maybe not you can even make someone else happy i dont know but i just gave out my own opinion on this quote so please respect onto my horrid example 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

" Right is right, even if everyone 
is against it; 

and wrong is wrong, 
even if everyone is for it"

- william penn 

what i think this quote means or what its trying to say in my own opinion and words is that, if you yourself feel that something is wrong or maybe even right go for it no one needs to tell you any diffrent but whatever it is its true what they say every action has a consequence so choose wisely 
but then again there is another meaning right is right for you but everyone goes against your opinio0n and wrong is wrong if everyone chooses it and in the end of that argument that is you to decide if you want to do what others tell you and not stand up for yourself and in reality it just looks pathetic if you follow but oh well its not my problem, so ill show an example of what i mean lets say that you want to be friends with this person but they mean bad trouble but your to selfish enough and all you want is to be popular see what i mean? then again thats on you just makes you look blind to see what you could have had 

Monday, October 26, 2015

" A good name is rather to be 
chosen than great riches" 

proverb 22:1 

what i think this quote means or once more what i think its trying to say in my point of view is that having a good name not those types of name like sasha or mikasa alright! like for example doing something good for others to remember that name or doing something alot of people who know  about or maybe not as many people it can be small as well yet people can remeber you that way which is pretty awesome they can be like "ohh i remember them they were so nice and stuff" it just makes you very happy cause they saw you like that instead of being afraid of you for all of eternity or for the amount of time they knew you or tried to get to know you it can be hard to do something to have others remember but you dont have to sweat it just be yourself , unless you suck like your pretty bitter then no dont be yourself please for the best just dont 
HealthCare Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities: Health care Administrators also known as medical and health services managers or health care executives coordinate the activities of medical organizations ranging from doctors’ offices to hospital departments to health care corporations. They create goals and the strategies for achieving them and communicate this information to all employees
Salary:  $64,821 per year
Education: a bachelor’s degree (four years) is the typical entry-level preparation needed for health care administration jobs.

Reflection: do you think you would like to be one? why or why not?

I don’t know what it is well I mean I read it from here to there looked at different websites but nope don’t get it anyways either way I don’t want to be some type of assistant so I guess not? Yeah no 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015



"if your so called friends urge you to do anything
 you know to be wrong
 you be the one to make a stand for right 
even if you stand alone
 have the moral courage 
to be a light for others to follow" 

- Thomas s. Monson 

what i think this quote means or what its trying to have you understand is that there will be a time where you have friends its a time everyone will encounter in life as you grow up you find the real ones and the liars the ones you cherish deeply and others you wish to escape even some you grow to love so much you cant stop smiling or as again others you really hate, all you have to do is choose who you will find yourself whether its both one or none doesnt matter how when or where always make sure your happy around them and if your not leave them for they will lead you a path of tragity.
and by what it means by "be a light for others to follow" in my opinion it says if your alone with no one to turn to find you other speck of light from then on even if its one or two even four or five friends! or less they make you feel so happy you cant stop smiling trust me im in that happy place now and i wish to never ever let them go psh! not on my watch i will die without them!  

Friday, October 16, 2015

"A CTR champion
 is a person who makes
 a great human 
out of himself" 

- Noemi Trigueros 

what i think in my own opinion what this quote means is that....okay to be honest i dont know what it means im a bit confused by it as well but im going to try so dont blame me for at least trying to explain this quote or whatever it is anyways i think it means that if you do good you will be someone great? again just a short note here i dont believe in anyone being good or bad just pointing it out right now but cut them some slack we all had certain changes or events in our childhood to become who we are now but again sorry for being off topic here again the quote is just basically saying to do "good" and you will bne praised or honored *tries hard not to laugh* im done here lol 

Ear Nose and Throat
(ENT specialist)

Duties and responsibilities: otolaryngology is the oldest medical specialty in the United States. Otolaryngologists are physicians trained in the medical and surgical managements and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear nose and throat (ENT) and related structures of the head and neck. They are commonly referred to as ENT physicians

Salary: $350,000 a year

Education: Bachelor’s degree, Medical school, Residency, A license tom practice Medicine, Board Certification
Reflection do you think you would like to be one why or why not?

Nope I don’t want to be one I don’t like it nor will I try to done end of story and the reason why is cause I find it pretty weird I don’t know I just get sick to my stomach just thinking what I just read about this so nah im cool 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


"Success is not an accident.
 Success is acually a choice.
 Are the habits you have today on par 
with your dreams you have tomorrow?"

- Alan Stein

What i think this quote means or what i think it means is that you have your own choice and decistion to suceed on what your planning to achieve now what i meant there was for the good not for the bad, anyways back to the quote i think it means that you can put your all in to doing or becoming someone its your own choice not others you dont have to listen to other peoples opinions whether they are right or wrong,  bad or good its just what you think on it and what you plan to do about it, dont have anyone tell you whats right or wrong cause in the end there is not answer just another path to surviving and its you walking alone there really isnt anyone there to push you or to walk with you so be happy on what you choose its just what makes you unique dont starty worring about your choice just keep going with no regrets to look back to 

Monday, October 12, 2015


"when obedience becomes our goal, tis no longer irritation 
instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."
- James E. Faust 

what i think this quotes means or in my opinion what i think it means is that if you able to obey to any type of rule you were given i dont know somewhat an order or any kind and you obey it your given a great amount of trust and or respect from who has given you the rule or order but if you feel yourself as if the order or rule isnt a very good one then yeah id highly recommend if you did not follow that order but anyways back to what this quote meant that if ypour able to obey the order given doesnt matter what it is and you do it correctly and when they want it done its another block to giving you freedom, respect, and privacy that what i think what it means 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

" kids these days,
 they think its a competition to have the most friends 
one is enough
find someone 
completely unique." 
- Sebby (aka Jeff ) ((aka me duh))

what this quote means is that today nowadays young kids or even teens think its a race of life to have as many friends as possible when really you only need a few to fill your every needs even if its one person they will make you feel glad to be alive and even have you smiling everyday even when you don't want to smile you cant help it
it just happens 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

" the primary object
of all sound education" 
- Elizabeth Missing Sewell 

what i think this quote is saying that if your able to obey rules at school your given education i'm going to be honest i really don't know what she meant by sound education so im pretty confused myself all i know is to pay attention in school and ill survive so take that advice and not fuss over what she meant its a good quote it is but i don't understand it forgive me for not i tried alright 

Duties and responsibilities: Some of the factors that damage the skin are stress, fluctuating hormone levels, too much sun exposure, unhealthy lifestyle, underlying medical conditions, and aging. Cosmetic dermatologists offer consultation, diagnosis, and treatment to patients who are interested in improving their skin condition. The procedures and services that cosmetic dermatologists use - such as Botox injections, laser hair removal, skin tightening, chemical peels, sclerotherapy, collagen fillers, and microdermabrasion - may lead to revitalized, blemish-free skin. There are also cosmetic dermatologists who specialize in areas such as hair loss, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), or laser tattoo removal.
Salary: $202,468  
Education: doctors of medicine or osteopathy degree plus four year of clinical training and a residency

Reflection: do you think you would like to be one why or why not?

No I would not like to be one because I’m not very good with skin care myself and really it’s just isn’t interesting so nope 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"what you are as a person is far more important that what you are as a basket ball player"
- john wooden 

what i think this quote means or what its trying to say is that depending who you are as a person if your nice and humble or rude and greedy whoever you are just be yourself unless you suck then yeah good luck but anyways talent doesn't matter it just matters how you express it emotionally not going off and show it off anyways i don't like basketball i just gave off my opinion on this quote yup

Dental Assistant

Duties and responsibilities:
Dental assistants assist the dental operator in providing more efficient dental treatment, by preparing the patient for treatment, sterilizing instruments, passing instruments during the procedure

Salary: median pay (annually) 34,500
Median pay (hourly) 16.59
Education: postsecondary non-degree award

Reflection do you think you would like to be one why or why not?

No i don’t want to be an assistant one I don’t like to work on teeth its gross and two I have other plans 

Monday, September 28, 2015

"True wealth is of the heart, Not of the purse"

- Pathros 

what i think this quote means in that you feel rich in your heart to be honest i don't know how but  you just do and where it says not of the purse i think it trying to say that you may have money in your man or woman purse but that doesn't make you rich it just means you have money so *claps* good for you but if you just think money gets you all what you want or need your pretty much wrong and no offense but dumb as well it just makes you seem like your spoiled and just shows that your a heartless person for example im not saying all people who have money are heartless cause i have money but it doesnt make me heartless i have a heart right *points to chest* here, im just saying is that if you think you can buy happiness with money or anything or even anyone and don't even spare some to people who need it more than you do then yeah good luck in life so yup that's my opinion 

dude who did that quote up there ^
Duties and responsibilities:
A dentist is typically responsible for:
·       Educating parents on oral healthcare
·       Examining teeth and diagnosing patients dental conditions by using tools such as x-rays
·       Assessing treatment options and agreeing treatment plans with patients
A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. The dentist's supporting team aids in providing oral health services.
Salary: median pay (annually): 149,310
Median pay (hourly): 71,79
Education: Doctoral or professional degree

 Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one why or why not?

I would not like to be one and my reason is because I’m scared I may accidentally stab a kid in the gums or maybe an adult  with one of the objects they use at times I get a bit twitchy so no thank you 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Obedience sums up our entire duty"

- Hosea Ballou 

In my own opinion what i think this quote means or what it is trying to say is that if we obey what we were told in the beginning then it reflects on us to determine whether we will do it or not it basically lets others know that we are trust worthy to take on any job big or small if we obey the directions told about the duty and do it right it reflects on you to be trusted with almost anything every job done right gives us a bit more freedom along with respect and trustworthiness 

Monday, September 21, 2015

"When i do good,
i feel good. 

When i do bad,
i feel bad.

and that's my religion "

- Abraham Lincoln

What i think this quote means in my own opinion is that it depends on your action for example one of you priorities was to finish your chores in time before your mother comes home from a long day of work you want to be able to have her rest a bit with no worries but you don't have anyone holding you back as to what is right or wrong of course every action has their consequences whether you do it or not you always get a good feeling seeing her happy because of you finishing what was needing to do in the beginning, but so it all depends if you know the difference to right or wrong the only thing you need to worry about is your own thoughts and actions because in the end the only one who has the final word is you

Duties and Responsibilities: A chiropractor is a person who practices chiropractic, specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health.
Median pay (annual): 66,160
Median pay (hourly): 31, 81
Education: Doctoral or Professional degree

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why or why not?

I would not like to be a chiropractor my reason for this is because I’m just not interested into something of that sort yes its part of the human body but it doesn’t seem to relate to what I’m looking for I don’t know maybe or maybe not just what I think of it so far 

Thursday, September 17, 2015


"they key to freedom is obedience
the more obedient we are the more freedom we have"
- Boyd K. Packer 

In my opinion about this quote i believe myself that freedom is doing what you think feels right not only obey what anyone tells you but there are many more things you need to learn to know true freedom of course you don't have to listen to anyone to have freedom you can get freedom yourself for example if there were one or two options to give pick the one you feel is the right thing to do don't let others control you for just freedom if you feel that one is right than the other just do it and do it with no fear all in the end you decide what you want to do 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"obedience is the great test of life"
- Thomas S. Monson 
 in my opinion on what i think obedience means is that it means to be able to understand what and what not to do in certain situations for example if you were given a task to get something and bring it back as they had told you to but you stumble upon friends and stay there for a while and what you didn't know was that the object you went to go was important and had lost it were you obedient in bringing it back? 

Duties and Responsibilities: cardiologist are physicians who have received additional training to prevent, diagnose and treat conditions of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and the body’s blood vessels. Before practicing as a cardiologist, physicians must graduate from medical school, complete a residency and become board-certified in internal medicine, and then complete fellowships in cardiology. Cardiology residencies typically last three years, and fellowships are a minimum of three years, making at least six years of training beyond medical school. The roles and responsibilities of a cardiologist can vary, but certain generalities are possible.

Salary: depending on whether they perform invasive procedures.
Cardiologist who did not perform : $346,266-$457,921 per year
Cardiologist who did perform: $373,500-$532,000 per year
Education: Aspiring cardiologists need to obtain their bachelor's degree and then enroll in a medical school program. After graduating from medical school, they complete several year of internal medicine and cardiology training in a residency program.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Or why not?

I would not like to be a cardiologist and my reason for this is because I wouldn’t enjoy it I’m just not interested in that specific kind of field myself it just isn’t for me now thinking of it anyways it’s just not me 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

9/11 Memorials 

9/11 was of course a horrid day for the people of New York it was of course the day of the terrorist attack that struck the twin towers to dust Close to 3,000 people died in the World Trade Center and so it became a day i don't think anyone wouldn't forget, when i first heard of the day of course i wasn't there i wasn't there at the time but i heard from my parents and teachers i was confused as to why it was such a depressing day until i did a bit of research myself and was pretty shocked as to  the number of how many people died or was injured and i felt horrible for the different families who lost their loved ones or even other family members it was really sad indeed seeing the different names carved onto a marvel stone it was a lot of names to remember in one website i found were many calls towards police men some were deeply depressing others were terrifying hearing of the details as to what was happening at the time when it began especially heart breaking hearing the victims of the twin towers attack leaving goodbye voice mails to their mothers or siblings before they left even their loved ones had a final farewell in memory for those who are gone


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"Education is the latch key to success in life"

what i think this quote means is that you determine if you would dedicate yourself to keep your education but if you do, it would lead you to success other than failing and getting what you desired most if your able to keep on going and study you would be able to live a successful life and be able to past anything with flying colors other than struggling each step of the way 
Duties and Responsibilities:
·        Examine patients who have hearing, balance, or related ear problems.
·        Assess the results of the examination and diagnose problems.
·        Determine and administer treatment.
·        Administer relief procedures for various forms of vertigo.
·        Fit and dispense hearing aids.

Salary: $69,720 per year - $33.52 per hour

Education: Doctoral or professional degree

Reflection: do you think you would like to be one? why or why not

In my own opinion I would not like to be an audiologist and my reason is because I’m not interested I’m not saying it isn’t good I just don’t want to do something I know I won’t enjoy doing other than that I don’t really like checking people ears I find it unpleasant  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Decisions Determine Destiny 

what i think this quote means is that it depends on your actions whether you fall on the right track or  land in the wrong one in my own opinion doesn't matter if you choose the positive or negative it really doesn't matter it just depends if you feel good about your actions some may say that bad and others my say that good you shouldn't care about their opinions it all on you no one will be there to tell you 'do this' or 'do that' 'do the right' or 'do the wrong' it all on how you see it yourself we all have different thoughts ideas and even actions but it just determines if you take that step and see where you think you land on  

Athletic Trainer
Duties and Responsibilities:
1) Conduct an initial assessment of an athlete's injury or illness in order to provide emergency or continued care, and to determine whether they should be referred to physicians for definitive diagnosis and treatment.
2) Care for athletic injuries using physical therapy equipment, techniques, and medication.
3) Evaluate athletes' readiness to play, and provide participation clearances when necessary and warranted.
4) Apply protective or injury preventive devices such as tape, bandages, or braces to body parts such as ankles, fingers, or wrists.
5) Assess and report the progress of recovering athletes to coaches and physicians.
6) Collaborate with physicians in order to develop and implement comprehensive rehabilitation programs for athletic injuries.
Salary: 42, 6900 - 20.52
Education: an athlete trainer is required to have a Bachelor's degree in order to be able to qualify to become an athletic trainer.

Reflection: do you think you would like to become one?
Why or why not?

In my own opinion and option I would not like to become an athletic my reason for such is because yes I do enjoy sports and yes Im very interested in the medical field but this isn’t for me im into more different things than to just help athletes with their pains and injuries so no I would not like to become an athletic trainer  

Monday, August 31, 2015

Some of my hobbies are

  • playing video games 
The truth is i don't really like playing war or such games i enjoy series for example the legend of zelda is one of my all time favorite video game series its still on going and i enjoy everyone part of the adventure especially the puzzles and side quests its a real brain tester.

Another series i plan to go on playing is fire emblem its just amazing the characters are spectacular i hope to one day get able to play it soon enough

  • drawing 
I really love and enjoy whenever i have the time i use it to finish unfinished drawing i just began to draw im not really a realist im more of an animator just drawing original characters or just animes i see here or there nothing big other than that i love every second of it when drawing

  • Anime 
I have a huge interest towards anime i cant get away from it not even a second!! thats basically all i talk about i cant stop i really cant its not all an obsession well maybe it is but anyways its my passion there are so many animes out there and yes i will dedicate myself to watching all of them well maybe not all of them but the ones i find interesting

  • Editing 
I edit some photos here and there well of course you know its all anime again im not a realist im just a plain anime editor i cant help it  
Ambulance Dispatcher

Duties and Responsibilities:
·        Question callers to determine their locations, and the nature of their problems to determine type of response needed.
·        Receive incoming telephone or alarm system calls regarding emergency and non-emergency police and fire service, emergency ambulance service, information and after hours calls for departments within a city.
·        Determine response requirements and relative priorities of situations, and dispatch units in accordance with established procedures.     
·        Record details of calls, dispatches, and messages.  
·        Enter, update, and retrieve information from teletype networks and computerized data systems regarding such things as wanted persons, stolen property, vehicle registration, and stolen vehicles.
·        Maintain access to, and security of, highly sensitive materials.
·        Provide emergency medical instructions to callers.
·        Relay information and messages to and from emergency sites, to law enforcement agencies, and to all other individuals or groups requiring notification.
·        Monitor alarm systems to detect emergencies such as fires and illegal entry into establishments.      
·        Scan status charts and computer screens, and contact emergency response field units to determine emergency units available for dispatch.
Observe alarm registers and scan maps to determine whether a specific emergency is in the dispatch service area.
Salary: $23,190-$56,580.
Education: At least a high school education Training Requirement Varies by state, programs and courses may be offered through community and technical colleges, state agencies, professional organizations or training facilities

Reflection: do you think you would like to be one? why or why not?

I would not want to be an ambulance dispatcher and for my reason is because it does seem like a swell job but then again I don’t want to be able to have someone’s life on the line it’s just to terrifying  depending on the many options I can take this is one job I would gladly like to pass to someone else