Thursday, November 12, 2015

Manga Artist

Duties and responsibilities:  must work very long hours and with almost little sleep and have your work submitted in time. Have creative ideas which sell and have them fast. Be able to work with assistants in an efficient and efficient manner. Provide own studio and supplies be able to work with editors in an efficient order along with manner be able to draw reasonably well and keep your style  sort of consistent so readers can identify it. Don’t get stressed by the publishing company yelling at you for hours of the day. Don’t die before your series is finished and you do get rewarded with one free hour once a week if you get all your work done in time! Have fun and look happy when interacting with fans as well
Salary: $92,000
Education: bachelor’s degree  

Reflection: would you like to be one? Why or why not?
Of course I would like to be one!!! well I have many other things to be but if all fails I would want to do something I would enjoy very much I just absolutely love drawing that all I ever do when I have free time to myself just drawing something for the entire world would make me oh so happy to see smiles


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