Thursday, December 17, 2015

Final Part 1 of 2 
Class/Self Evaluation

A1. Some things i liked about this class is that i was able to learn new tools in Microsoft word there was some that i knew having them learnt in my previous years by my teachers, i had also liked having to create a website that we customize ourselves for example we all have a unique site to look for our page along with having a little touch of our personality along with it and having free time to either decorate it with all kinds of different gadgets to use and i enjoy it, also i really like that we give out our opinions with each time we post because its from your own perspective.

A2. What i didn't like was the fact that we have to be chosen to speak about our opinions on some occasions why? well there is some stuff some people cant explain by talk but by reading and you feel more comfortable that way to only having your teacher to see it or some of your close friends also not many will understand if you say it out loud what if they didnt hear? and they start asking read louder and your getting really nervous now and pretty discouraged for its what they said breathe and hurry you have 30 seconds of courage and thats all you need just 30 seconds, another thing i didnt like was that we dont have much free time im not saying we need it all the time but there are some assignments needed to be finish and the time would be good for that 

B. Well i dont really need any improvements but i would really much like it if there wasnt many people side talking well im not ease dropping but it gets annoying and in the way of work just hearing others talk while your trying to think on what to say yourself cause then the idea just goes away and it will take some time to think about it again or just make up a new one similar to the one you had also thats all. 

B2. Did you really do your best in this class? 

Well yes i do believe i did good in this class i dont know if my teacher sees any of my responses or post i dont mind but i really do give it my all to completing them and to keep organized in what to say and when to post along with grammar i guess thats all i need to im[priove in for it is a tad bit difficult to time at a certain rate and to a certain time when your going to be able to finish. but other than that what ever grade i get i can be able to reflect back to what im doing wrong or good and in the end ill do my complete best at what i have to do. 

B3. Are you committed to being a CTR person? why or why not? 

Yes i am committed to being a CTR for ever since i saw all this inspiring quote i sometimes take time at home and reread some of them and i find them motivational for i sometimes think "wow he must be really happy in the moment" and at times i think once more into the future what will i do and its interesting in fact i write again but this time not about the quote but about what i will do in the future and the options given to me as to how i will be able to live it if i follow these steps given as a quote to success along to be able to have a huge weght lifted from your back if you do what think that is right and to be able to move foward with a smile of no regret given from the past there were some dark moments but i was told that in every dark tunnel there will be a light all you have to do it get yourself up and walk foward with no fear at all and find your happiness on your own whether its a something or even a someone but in the end smile to show your compelted a fullfulled life. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

IDP Showcase 

my IDP experiance was pretty terrifying well i guess for me, i had felt pretty anxious for i had my palm become sweating and i thought i was going to sweat bullets next we had some technical difficulties with was embarrassing i was panicing, i had to present in a small room it had of course tables and chairs but it had my biology teacher there along with a chem teacher who i seen around but dont know who she is there were also seniors who had already done this, my disease assigned was cirrhosis i had a part but had it taken away by some of my group members which had me pretty bummed out cause i needed to say a part that wasnt mine and it was short i was disappointing a bit inside to have my mother see me in that state of just slide i felt in shame for ever not speaking up but in the end i was never given any credit for my hard work for example the power point spending those night up just to perfect and finish it along with my creative componet piece i guess i was happy about that for i had put my all into that along with a song of my choice that made my mom smiled knowing it was me who made it, cause at least someone noticed what i had done, but this whole project had me really sad no one worked or cooperated with me to at least finishing it but i guess it was my fault to for ever having trust in them to get anything done, so now i know who i should have given some work to and i guess ill learn from this a bit more yet in the end i was happy having my mom tell me i did a great job and having her so happy and proud of me and i can live with that yet what was a bit rough was that i was wearing a ridiculous dress i wanted to wear those what you call 'men clothing' cause it was more comfortable instead of every minute pulling down on the stupid dress it was horrible i couldn't bear the embarrassment any long and i had felt just to walk out but i couldnt do anything sadly  

"Always do the right"

- Mark Twain 

what i think this quote means in my opinion is that you should always do the right this is because if you do people will be able to trust you more because you seem to be someone who is trustworthy but then again you dont always yourself do the right for example if its about your personal life and you did something you dont want your mother to know im not talking about breaking a vase she will eventually know im talking about something that occured one day that you cant tell your mom until your ready but my opinion i think its just sad why? well your mother comes first than anything for she gave you a life along with her ways on how to see the world good or bad it has a mixture of both either way there is no to good or to bad, its both for you at least need someone to hear you its impossible to have those secrets build up inside you, and yeah i understan how parents are for example your thinking "oh no shes going to kill me!" or "shes going to do something!" but either way the scenario there at least has to be some understanding in the end along with your mother being happy for you trust her with anything 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"If we do whats right,
we have no need 
to fear"

- Evan Stephens 

what this quote means or what is trying to say is that if you know your doing something that isn't against the law or the rules you have no need to worry about anything at all well because you didn't do anything wrong and no one can falsely accuse you for nothing unless they have evidence but if they did then you did something you may not remember at the heat of the moment well because again you just barely thought of it, for example your given a responsibility to go make a delivery at the office of your school then a staff calls your name from afar well first you would be surprise and then at that time that's where you start thinking did i do anything wrong today? after a second you find out no there was nothing i did bad so you just turn around looking at the staff with a pretty calm face why? cause you didn't do anything wrong so your pretty much off the hook there, and at times slip ups can occur some by accident others on purpose but its okay cause there are more than one day to fill up and recover the wrong doing along with having your name cleared up and keeping a good background 

Monday, December 7, 2015

The 3 Questions 

1. Can people trust me to do whats right?
2. Am i committed to doing my very best?
3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?

"if the answer to these questions are YES,
 there is no way you can fail"

- Lou Holtz 

what i think this quote means or what its trying to have you understand is that there are three questions that can determine if your doing the right thing and it is of course those questions up there they include to see if people can trust you with either a simple task or a secret maybe even an object to take care of but if any of those are bad for example if your hiding that you had vandalized something yet your friends find out that is mostly their choice to turn you in or have it shrugged off which of course is bad the next question are you commited to doing your very best for example its simple if your really commited to show others wrong then that would be commitment which is a good trate and last do you treat others the way you would want to be treated another set of example if your treating someone with kindness you are sure to get it back one way or another but if you were a tad mean then you would already know what to expect and it wont be sugar coated at all 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,
 is is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
 the relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. 
much is not yet understood but we do know what the Greek's knew:
 that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity
 when the body is healthy and strong" 

- John F. Kennedy

in my opinion and being completely honest here i really don't understand what this means i really don't I'm a bit confused but am going to try, so what i think this means is that physical fitness is important to be able to develop the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity now what that means is to be able to squeeze more like wanting to remember or learn something new not only does physical fitness help you but there is another thing to help with memory its called blueberries it said that they also help to advance memory not like telekinesis or some stuff no that's terrifying its just to help with your memory issues well it doesnt cure if you have had a bad injury with your brain or anything sadly it doesnt but if you just want a boost on your memory then yeah i was meaning that


Tokyo, Japan 

i choose this specific place well because i always wanted to go here, i wanted to be able to see the amazing temples along with the enormous buildings and especially the food there it looks so good to wanting to try it at least instead of the basics like sushi and ramen here what i know about the place is that its famous and well known for mount fuji this huge volcano thats about 100 kilometers southwest to this day its still active having its nickname fuji-san, tokyo is also known to have many temples for example there is a temple called the kyoto temple along with other destinations such as minato, shinjuku, chuo, shibuya, chiyoda etc. it is also known to have such a beautiful scenery at night for example the nikko national park is said to have an amzing view of mount. fuji along with other flowers and wood carving seen around but at night there is to be found lights lighting up bridges and trees to have an spectacular glow but thats just what you can visit the real well known fact of tokyo is its pop culture thier pop culture inclues anime, manga, visual kei, maid cafes alonjg with ghibli museums and shops at famous otaku meccas. japanes pop culture has a worldwide fan base, drawn by animators, fashion and music along with shops that include street fashion and cosplay mix. anime and manga enthusiasts will be more likely to know akihabara, home to a huge range of electronics and anime related shops 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"Kindness is 
the essence of 

- Joseph B. Wirthlin 

 there is someone out there that still have a bit of humanity, if you become to nice and spare everyone you see you will most likely be forgiven instead of carrying a huge burden on your back actually ill leave this in a positive note forget what i said what i was trying to say but forgotten to is that be nice to everyone you meet yeah they may be strangers of some kind but it gets pretty lonely being all by yourself its sad to bear and maybe you can even find a really good friend  it doesnt have to be a someone it can even be a something sounds pretty funny but who knows it what makes you happy and thats what everyone wants a little speck of kindness to be happy